Excerpts from Walt’s Wonderland

When she got tired of sketching, she started to traverse the landscape, seeing more and more of these compositions.

The smaller structures she felt she could tolerate better. They were littered around the landscape in a haphazard way, but still with their own strange internal logic. Where could Walt be hiding?

She walked towards a cluster of these structures. They seemed to be interconnected, their already wiry frames being held to each other by what seemed like small parts of the building moving towards each other, connecting them all together.

The building she was in started to dissolve into emptiness. She was left with the fragments of her hometown. Something caught her eye – a piece of a sign, and it very clearly said, “Ton Vill”.

I guess Walt isn’t gonna come to me in my waking life, she thought. Maybe if I orientate myself in Ton Vill, and get to know it better, I could understand it. Everything is just bizzare. I almost can’t handle this.

Ton Vill – what was it? I dreamt of gentrification, I dreamt of rollercoasters. I guess Walt was on my mind. I think, if I put one of those strange structures I saw when I was waiting for Walt, wedged between something, or elevated by something, it might change things. I have a feeling that people will gravitate towards the sky. I don’t know why. I just think they’re filthy, colonising, snobby – below.